Tuesday, September 8, 2009

9/8 Draft: Best Tom O'Brien Emotion?

The man is a puzzle wrapped in a riddle, almost impossible to read. However, during our years following BC football, we have been able to decipher what Toby is thinking to the point where it appears to us that Ginger wears his heart on his sleeve.

So what say you? What are your favorite emotions that NC State Football Coach (and former BC Football coach) displays?

1M) Joy

This is my favorite Tom O'Brien emotion, probably
because it's the easiest to spot. You see how he's got both eyes open, looking blankly ahead, while still appearing slightly annoyed (and you somehow feel guilty, but are not sure why)? That's joy he's feeling and showing you. Pure, unadulterated joy.

2W) Jealousy

He stares across to you.. Jealous over that offense, with those eyes he gleams over that deep pass that although was dropped.. was still a deep pass.

3M) Happiness

Coach O'Brien is typically a very, very happy guy.
While gregarious in nature, he's always very approachable, particularly when he's smiling like he is here. The guy just beams "happy". That smile is, dare I say, disarming.

4W) Enthusiasm

Nothing gets the team more pumped up, than a coach leading the way. If you are a player and you see this face.. there isn't much you can do to hold back your pride, as a coaches enthusiasm is contagious!

5M) Spite

While this emotion is often confused with "Love"
and "Enthusiastic", this is actually Tom O'Brien's spiteful look. We're not sure what exactly happened before this picture was taken, but if I were to hazard a guess I would say that he was just informed that he didn't get the Washington job. Or the Miami job. Or maybe it was the Maryland job?

6W) Satisfaction

When the players execute , like they are supposed to. The coach responds with a face of satisfaction.. as he has here.

7M ) Disgust

Now you've gone and done it, you've disgusted the man.
You can tell his dissatisfaction in you by the way he's looking at you with a blank stare, seemingly unmoved in any way. The key here is the hands on the hips, otherwise this could easily be confused with "joy" and "spite". I hope you're happy, because we're running wind sprints later.

8W) Love

He just loves this game. And it shows.. Just look at his face, it's like a kid in a candy store, he just can't seem to get enough.
When a coach loves the game, and I mean REALLY loves the game, like TOB does, as this picture shows.. It really does a number helping motivate the players.

9M) Rage

Some people just can't keep it together when their anger builds to a level that just causes you to absolutely lose it. Your head just can't keep it inside and more, you just lash out and explode with emotion.

10W) Concern

His team is down by 34 in the fourth Quarter..

TOB is sweating bullets.. He is freaking out here. He is doing everything in his power to make a big play happen!


BCMike Drafted: Joy, Happiness, Spite, Disgust, Rage
Wesley Drafted: Jealousy, Enthusiasm, Satisfaction, Love, Concern

9-8 Draft: Best TOB Emotion?
BCMike - Joy, Happiness, Spite, Disgust, Rage
Wesley - Jealousy, Enthusiasm, Satisfaction, Love, Concern
pollcode.com free polls

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